Wednesday, May 16, 2012

5-minute Vomit

1. Where the hell did all the crazies come from and how do we make them go back to their mental health institutions?
2. My adoration of corsets and Steampunk does NOT make it ok to bring back Victorian morals and social policy. I'm rather fond of (nominally) getting paid equally, owning property (versus being property), wearing pants if I want, voting, and the right to consensual sex (and ONLY consensual sex) with whichever consenting adults I deem worthy.
3. Using the Bible as a legal document is NOT OK. The Constitution says so.
4. Two very important words: Consenting Adults. Anything else is none of your damn business. Both of those words are absolutely inviolable, period... but beyond that, I really don't need the government looking over my bedpost.
5. Women's healthcare rights are not actually a religious freedom issue. Neither are gay rights.
6. Have any of you actually READ Leviticus? Half that stuff wasn't acceptable even 100 years ago, what makes you think it'll fly today? Oh, we're only using the bit you like? Can we trade that for the one where you can sell your extra kids to pay your bills? At least then we'd be stimulating the economy.
7. News flash: Homosexuality isn't a choice. Multiple rigorous scientific studies (published in peer-reviewed journals of international prestige) back this up. Identical twins (who have identical genetic makeup) are several times more likely to share sexual orientation than fraternal twins (who share only as much genetic material as normal siblings)... meaning that sexual orientation is genetic. The brains of gay men are wired fundamentally different from brains of straight men... meaning that sexual orientation is physiological, not psychological.
8. I'm not as proud to live in the United States as I think I should be. We are no longer world leaders where it really counts (scientific advancement and social progress).
9. We think it's fundamentally wrong for Islamic theocracies to use the Q'uran as the law. But it's ok to make laws based on the Bible.
10. If condoms were $100 a box and had serious reproductive health benefits for men that had nothing whatsoever to do with pregnancy-prevention, I'd want insurance to pay for those too.
11. Would you really make your 14-year-old daughter have her rapist's baby?
12. If nobody made a drinking game out of the GOP primaries, I'm moving to Denmark.

Thanks so much and remember to tip your waitresses.

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